Our mission is to make disciples by pursuing Jesus, growing together, and serving others. High School Youth Group Sunday nights at 6:30. Care 101 class for anyone struggling with their mental health Thursdays from 6:30-8. Food pantry Fridays 11-2 or you can call the office anytime for food assistance 330-678-7000Assisting single moms with utility bills, food etc. Providing backpacks for kids with school supplies and food.Grief Share Sept. 13-Dec. 20Grief Share Surviving the Holidays starts Nov. 15Families Facing Addiction (1st & 3rd Saturdays 9:30 am)Veteran's Support Group every other ThursdayCare 101- every Thursday- different care topics discussed each weekWe are also an Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection site Nov. 5-12:https://riverwoodchapel.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1939158